Storeden Connect API
Storeden Connect API is based on REST.
APIs accepts form-encoded requests bodies and returns JSON encoded values.
To interact with Storeden API you need to authenticate your call,
so you need the key and the exchange strings.
All application keys released from Storeden must be protected and keep secrets.
Please be sure to not include your keys if you publish your code on GitHub or similar.
Any credentials that the system marks as compromised can be disabled at any time without any prior warning.
API Permissions
Each key pair has two types of permissions:
- READ: Can only read data ( all APIs made with GET as request method )
- READ & WRITE: Your application can write and read data.
The access type of the API keys cannot be changed after the keys have been created.
API Versioning
Storeden adopts API versioning.
This means that we guarantee the compatibility of the API for at least 12 months after the granting, to allow a more flexible migration.
Developers who are using the nearby API deprecation will be notified and assisted during the migration.
Current versions of API is v1.1.
Developers that are using a near-to-end API will be notified 30 days before APIs will become unavailable.
Api version v1.0 has been deprecated on 22-07-2019
Endpoint costruction
All api calls must be made on the domain.
In the above example:
v1.1 is the versioning value of the API.
/products/list.json is the endpoint you need to call, each endpoint is specified in the box on API page method.
Data for POST, PUT, DELETE calls must be sent in the format
Connect API - Rate Limiting
All Storeden Connect API has a rate limit of 100.000 single requests every 24 hours.
When you reach the Connect API limit, any api calls will receive an error code 509 Limit Exceeded
and actioin will not be complete.
Some APIs throttled differently, in leaky bucket mode. If you run out of resources available for your api key set, you will get a 429 Too Many Requests error
Guided examples
Here you can find guided examples of applications, we will provide more example as soon as possibile.
Guided examples is provided with the source code and a complete PDF guide.
- Suppliers application: app set up and custom attributes management. Download package Download guide